Kony 2012 is a Scam - Kony? What about America's war criminals? If Uganda didn't have oil, you'd never hear about this.

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"The United States has never intervened anywhere on the face of the planet for the interests of the masses of people. There's always a geostrategic and geopolitical reason for the involvement." - Marcel Cartier

Kony 2012 has become a viral sensation with tens of millions of views in just a week. Sorry, folks but this entire thing reeks of propaganda. This is the first time the CIA or similar organization is dedicated to using the social media tool, Facebook, to sway public opinion. It's not the first time, nor will it be the last, that average dummy Joe Blow (who watches too much TV) gets all riled up about disinformation.

Kony 2012 is not what it seems. 

Why the sudden interest in Uganda? ‎

Six million people have died in the last decade in the Democratic Republic of Congo... But we don't hear about that! Why? The USA benefits from the proxy war in Congo. And Congo doesn't have resources we want. 

Why Kony and why Uganda? What a coincidence that oil was discovered in Uganda two years ago.

Just like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and other middle east countries, we are told that we must save these people. But what happens? We bomb and kill them. Iraq and Libya should be more than enough to wake people up to a smoke screen.

Kony 2012 seems suspiciously to be merely a psy-ops operation to get US public opinion behind more US military action in Uganda to control their resources. The US already has 100 soldiers on the ground in Uganda by the way.

If episodes like this continue, it will even further ruin the credibility of Facebook like the credibility of the main stream media has been ruined. Look for this to be a preview of how Facebook will not be the powerful social media tool it once was in about 5 ~ 10 years.

A big thanks to Kirby Ramlackhan!

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