Last month, GMA Network launched its high-calibre primetime offering drama series My Beloved. My Beloved’s blockbuster cast is led by the country’s most popular loveteam and one of today’s hottest couples in the entertainment business, Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera.
Dantes plays the role of Benjie/Arlan, an angel of death who takes on a human form to save the life of his beloved woman Sharina (played by Rivera), the beautiful mortal who falls in love with a fallen angel.
Joining Dingdong and Marian are some of today’s most bankable names in drama- Paolo Contis, Katrina Halili and Chanda Romero. The primetime series also stars two of today’s most sought-after loveteams: Jennica Garcia- Carl Guevarra and Louise Delos Reyes-Alden Richards.
Under the direction of Dominic Zapata with original concept by RJ Nuevas, My Beloved showcases a beautiful and timeless tale of undying love between two people of two different worlds.
Catch the cast of My Beloved with no less than Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes on March 17 live at SM Davao Event Centre. Admission is free.
SM Davao celebrates Araw ng Dabaw with a weeklong mall-wide sale event beginning March 12. Mall hours are extended to 10PM on March 12-16 and until midnight (12MN) on March 17.