Want to know what the Japanese think about the foreigners who left?
The Flyjin controversy is getting hotter and hotter amongst the foreign circles in Japan. Weird, but these people should wake up and figure out that it doesn't matter what the foreigners think - it only matters what the Japanese think. (But, then again, the amount of panic was in inverse proportion to their Japanese ability, so I guess they care about the foreigners as most of them live a life shelled inside a foreigner community bubble in Tokyo).
You know, this issue would probably die down if these dumb foreigners who split would just wise up and take my advice:
1) Be humble, bow their heads profusely and say "Sorry!" repeatedly - quietly in private to those they betrayed.
2) Quit making excuses. No one wants to hear your lame excuses. Do you want to hear excuses when those around you screw up? No!
3) Shut your mouths and don't talk back and make excuses when you do apologize. There is a word for talking back when you are being reprimanded and it is "iikaeshi" (言い返し) - don't do it. Shut your mouths and say "Sorry!" ("Sumimasen. Moshiwake arimasen!" is preferrable).*
I am sick of this subject and am really sick of people attacking me for telling you what was going to happen, before it happened; also while it happened; and after it happened (like I am doing now). The Japanese don't like what you guys did and you destroyed a ton of trust and probably can't recover that.
As long as these people fail to recognize the damage they have caused themselves (and the rest of us) and continue to make excuses in public forums rather than apologize to those who need it in private, then to hell with them.
And make no mistake about it, this is not so much a breach of contract as a breach of trust issue.
That baseball player, Bannister, did not even discuss leaving with his employers the prospect of leaving Japan. What makes him different than these foreigners in Tokyo who split without discussing amongst their Japanese staff?
I think the answer is self-evident: There is no difference.
*Take my advice when you apologize to your Japanese boss and peers and do it exactly like I have described here. It just might save your job.
Here's a ton of stuff the Japanese are saying. One guy, a foreigner (became a nationalized Japanese) and famous soccer player for Japan national team, Ramos, says that "the foreigners that ran away shouldn't come back and that the Japanese don't want them back" Tons of Japanese comments that agree: 逃げたい外国人 さっさと帰れ もどってくるな http://ameblo.jp/ramos-ruy/entry-10834259061.html
More on Dempa 2ch (famous social networking site in Japan) and even a community started that is anti-Flyjin in the Japanese community: http://logsoku.com/thread/hayabusa.2ch.net/livejupiter/1301439006/
Point? See?The fool who ran away have screwed things up not just for themselves... regardless of their excuses. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.