The big news today from Japan is that radioactive Stronium has been found in food and soil samples just outside of the 30 kilometer (18 mile) exclusion zone near the Fukushima nuclear reactors.
So the question is: Since radiation has been found in food, how dangerous is that to us? Is it safe?放射性ストロンチウムを検出=原発30キロ外、福島6市町村―文科省
Two types of radioactive strontium have been detected in soil tests just outside of the 30 kilometer (18 mile) nuclear exclusion zone near the crippled reactors in Fukushima.
On Monday, Japan's Ministry of Education announced the results of sample surveys on soil and plants in Fukushima Prefecture, saying that Stronium-89 and Stronium-90 have been detected in the samples taken.
Samples were taken for analysis between March 16th to 17th. One set of samples were collected from Iidate in Namie-Cho in Fukushima Prefecture, just outside of the 30-kilometer exclusion zone. Those samples showed Strontium-89 up to 260 becquerels per kilogram, and Stronium-90 was detected at 32 becquerels.
Samples of 19 plants were also taken from Ootama village, Ono-machi, and Saigo village. In those samples, Strontium-89 was detected up to 61 becquerels per kilogram, and Strontium-90 was detected up to 5.9 becquerels.
Strontium has properties similar to human bone tissue and when deposited into the body in large amounts, can cause myeloma and hematopoietic failure. Strontium-90 has a long half-life of about 29 years, which was discovered during nuclear testing and Strontium-89 has a half-life of about 50 days.
Extra information:
The considered safe level for radiation is 300 becquerels per kilogram. For a comparison, see this chart:
View chart online here
Becquerels—a measure that represents one radioactive event per second—per kilogram.
- Reality - Becquerel (Bq)
- The unit of measurement for radioactivity. An activity of one Bq means that one decay takes place per second. [Nothing to do with kg.]
From this recent news and Fukushima being raised to a level seven disaster, I've been getting lots of mail from the Peanut Gallery that claims this new information justifies the gaijin panic and flight out of Japan. Sorry, I couldn't disagree more.
A deeper examination shows, if anything, this new evidence proves you panicked and ran away - without any rational reason to do so at all - if, upon examination of this new information, that you decide to stay here anyway.
For you foreigners and Tokyoite Japanese who ran away - and are still outside of Japan - then, please, stay there. Stay away. Don't come back to Japan. Fukushima is now a level seven. The food is radioactive. It's too dangerous! We're doomed!
Oh, and if you want to eat healthy... Stop the fast food.