A good friend, Marc Abela, commented about my posting of yesterday, Golden Week, the News and Nuclear Holocaust... Just a Regular Day Like any Other in Tokyo. Marc writes:
Hi Mike,
You're not covering the "royal wedding"...? :)
Thanks Marc. Nope. For your edification, here's three reasons why I do not "cover" important things like the "Royal Wedding." First off, fine publications like Yahoo have already asked the important questions in their online blog. They asked:
Why didn't Prince William watch his bride walk down the aisle?
Who was that little girl covering her ears and frowning while the newlyweds kissed on the balcony?
And, finally, Yahoo asked the question that we were all wondering;
Where can I get those gorgeous earrings Kate wore to her wedding?
Oh, yes! Where can I get those gorgeous earrings Kate wore to her wedding? Last time I inquired at my local Walmart, they had nothing of the sort.
The second reason why I don't write about the Royal Wedding can be summed up in this short video (that was not funded by taxes):
May I quote?
"How'd you become king then?"
"The Lady of the Lake...Her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite...
held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water... signifying by Divine Providence...
that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.... That is why I am your king!"
"Listen, Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses not from some farcical aquatic ceremony...
You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you."
In a nutshell, that's why I can't even tell you the names of who is getting married and I don't care.
The third, and final reason, why I don't cover, write about, nor even care about any Royal Wedding is due to pressing matters at home that must be attended to immediately; the weeds in the back garden.
When you add up these three factors listed above, then, I'm sure you'll agree, that we all have much more important things to take care of than spending a day on front of the TV watching a wedding ceremony that is heavily funded by the local taxpayers. Why, it's even more boring than watching the local tax-funded funeral of some long dead king.
I mean, really, why even care about the Royal Wedding? They are just going to wind up getting a tax-funded divorce in a few years anyway.
Don't they always?
BREAKING NEWS! IMPORTANT UPDATE!: With Royal Wedding Condoms, British Taxpayers Won't be the Only Ones Getting Screwed!
Royal wedding memorabilia has reached a new level of
tastelessness: Crown Jewels Condoms of Distinction
is selling Prince William and Kate Middleton-themed condoms!
Instructing randy Brits to “lie back and think of England”
because “like a royal wedding, intercourse with a loved
one is an unforgettable occasion,” The condoms are
sold in royal purple packages with a picture of the
happy couple on the front. But some folks are not
amused. “This is completely tasteless and rather
hurtful,” Ingrid Deward, editor of Majesty magazine,
told Orange News.
I wonder if the Royal couple get paid "royalties" on each pack sold?