George Stroumboulopoulos March

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The Strombo Show  

March 27, 2011, 8pm - 11pm on CBC Radio 2

CBC Radio 2 Morning Host Bob Mackowycz Jr is back with a short installment of  Mac and Cheese, but evens it out with artists with realness and integrity, or as George calls them the KERP, the "Keep It Real Police". The Magnificent 7 Countdown features some home grown Indie Acts, remixed Poets, and Peter Gabriel sound-a-likes . Protest The Hero make a request for The Ten with Tom Waits segment. George also catches up with CBC Radio 3 host Lana Gay about her travels to SXSW Music Festival in Austin, Texas, and our Blend mini mix features Do Right Music! label founder and DJ John Kong.  The Spirit of Radio on a night to celebrate Canadian Music!

Contributed by
Darby Wheeler

 On George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight this week
Monday March 28
Multiple award winning singer dancer  and actress  Rita Moreno

Tuesday March 29
Do you want to talk about the upcoming election? Canada's anchor Peter Mansbridge of the National will be seated  in the red chair.
Wednesday March 30 
Not U2's The Edge   
No... it's WWE's Edge aka Adam Copeland the wrestler
Thursday March 31
Canadian singer-songwriter, guitarist Robbie Robertson

Friday April 1
Pakistan Special 
 George Stroumboulopoulos was confirmed as the first Canadian WFP Ambassador upon his return from a visit to Pakistan, where WFP is feeding hungry communities to rebuild their lives after last year’s devastating floods. This special episodes documents his experiences during this trip.
Here is George's WFP Feedback page
George is a fan of another WFP initiative; educational online game. Check 'em out.
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