Mid March Strombo

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The Strombo Show  
8pm - 11pm
CBC Radio 2

March 13, 2011

This Sunday it's our St. Patrick's Day Strombo Show - CBC Radio 2
Morning Host Bob Mackowycz Jr drops by to play us some of his favourite
Irish themed records and the whole show has that certain green tinge.
Astrologer and horoscope writer Phil Booth comes in to talk about the
end of the world... is it nigh? Plus, wave a fond farewell to the G12 as
we welcome it's more slender cousin the Magnificent Seven. This week's
Blend comes from turntablist M-Rock.

8pm - 11pm
CBC Radio 2
Follow along on Twitter @strombo

contributed by

George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight

Monday March 14
Investigative Journalist Brian Deer
Flash Dance Star,  Actress Jennifer Beals

Tuesday March 15
A good friend of the show, activist  Stephen Lewis

A special announcement was made today at the taping of this show.
George Stroumboulopoulos has been named as the first Canadian ambassador to the  
UN World Food Programme http://www.wfp.org/

George tweeted this soon after the taping

I'm really looking forward to working with the @ in a more official capacity. 
Here's the announcement:
CBC News - The National congratulated George and ran the story before his own show, with guest Stephen Lewis, could air the news. 

This is big news and if you want to read some different perspectives I linked a few articles.
The Toronto Star 
Eye Weekly
The Globe and Mail

Wednesday March 16
Election anyone?
Leader of the opposition, The Right Honorable Michael Ignatieff 

Thursday March 17
A hot Hollywood leading man Matthew McConaughey

Friday March 18 
Director of Twilight and Red Riding Hood Catherine Hardwicke

 Musical act Chromeo
Here is a taste of Chromeo Nice N Clean

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