Jamie Oliver is on the show tonight!

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On the show tonight Jamie Oliver talks about meeting Silvio Berlusconi:


George Stroumboulopoulos: “Let me show you a picture of somebody and tell me what kind of menu suggestions would you make for this person, right here. What would you make for Silvio Berlusconi?”
Jamie Oliver: Anything that’s a natural laxative. I met him once, I was at the G20 and for some reason, Naomi Campbell was there -- why a model was there I don’t know. And I got introduced to her, so, “nice to meet you.”  “Nice to meet you.” I had three seconds to talk to her before Berlusconi just pushed, straight in front, literally pushed me out of the way, completely rudely. And he just goes, “You know, ciao,” and he wrote his phone number down to give it to her, and I’m like, yeah, go on.
GS: That’s fantastic.
JO: It’s all right, brother, ‘cause I was cooking the lunch that day. All I’m going to say is that I dealt with it.
GS: There’s nothing like food revenge.
JO: Yeah, let’s just call it turbo-lax.
GS: Oh my god. [pause] He's at dinner, he's like-
JO: I don't think Naomi will like this.

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