When I was on my third trimester of my pregnancy, I rarely go out because I felt so heavy. And when my daughter arrived, the more that I became a homebody because I was tied up with babysitting, breastfeeding and all that. I was not able to do things like I usually do before...when I was still single, that is :). That's how my life changed when I got married and when I had my baby....the trade offs, hehehe.
Since I resume to work from my two-month maternity leave, I've been able to go out for lunch or dinner, go malling at times, attend some parties. But of course with a limited time because my daughter and hubby becomes my priority this time. Unlike before when my time was all mine :)).
I am happy that last weekend me and hubby was able to visit People's Park here in Davao City. It is the newest, most visited park in the city as of this time. And it is situated right in the heart of Davao City which makes it accessible to everyone.

You can see a lot of sculptures inside the park. These sculptures depict the lives of the people in Davao City in olden times. Through these works of art, you will know the ways of life and the culture of the Davaoeños.