Summertime and re-rerun Season leaves us looking a bit harder for things to post about... One of the features that many people enjoy on The Hour is the rapid fire Q and A segment, 2/20.
We did this last year with contributors to the blog asking one another silly little questions and had fun doing it so decided to give it another whirl. So for the next 5 Wednesdays, we'll be posting our own 2/20's.
This week, I kick off the questioning with Mich in the imaginary Red Chair. Who knew she and I had a grandma with the same name? I didn't. So here we go. Hum this as we go won't you?
"Oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh oh oh... The Right Stuff" ;)
1. If you had to change your name - what would you like to be called?
Florence, after my grandmother.
2. Any nicknames?

Some friends call my MacGyver because they thinkg I have this knack to make something out of nothing or that I have just the thing in my bag to fix something when we're out on location.
3. You can have one superpower for 24 hours. What is it?
4. Where would you live? Paris, London, Madrid or Osaka?
5. Favourite song of all time?
That's tricky because my favourite always depends on my mood. 5 days in May (Blue Rodeo) or 'U' (Metalwood) or Good Boy (Barenaked Ladies). It's hard to pick just one.
6. Play any Instruments?
No, but I've always wanted to learn how to play piano, but my friends tell me I should play the drums.
7. What's your one regret?
Does anyone have only one regret? Not applying to go to the National Theatre School when I had the backing to do so.
8. Any tattoos or piercing? If a tat -- what is it?
No, but I keep waffling about getting my ears repierced.
9. What makes you cry?
10. You have to be a contestant on a reality show? Which one would you be on?
The Next Food Network Star or one of the Food Network Challenges.
11. Favourite Stooge - Moe, Curly, Larry or Iggy and the.... ?
I wasn't into the Stooges.
12. Best dessert you ever had?
Marinated grilled pineapple with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream.
13. Three people you'd most like to throw a dinner party for?
Rick Mercer, Michaelle Jean and Jamie Oliver
14. Tofu. A good meat alternative or from the Devil?

Excellent meat alternative. It's not as scary as some think it is.
15. Do you believe in Hell? If so - name a famous person that's there.
I don't believe in Hell, but since I've been told I'm going there, I hope the people are fun!
16. What's your dream car?
I don't really have a dream car, but the convertible that I saw last week that looks like it came out of a 1930's movie would be cool.
17. Best and worst concert experience?
Best? Manteca, they really know how to party. Worst? The Johnstones.
18. Who was your teen 'heartthrob'?
This is so embarrassing but I was into the New Kids on the Block, I know better now.
19. What's one thing you're glad your parents never found out about?
Can't answer that since the person involved is still alive.
20. What's the meal you'd cook to impress someone you liked?
I love to cook fun meals for people I like, so probably fajitas.
So... tune in next Wednesday when Barbara asks and Jen answers...