Website Update

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Are you enjoying your summer? Enjoying revisiting all your favourite (and not so favourite) interviews from the past season on The Hour reruns? Ready for some new episodes of The Hour? They're coming... soon.

Season Five is slated to premiere just over six weeks from now on Monday, September 15th. That may still seem like a long time from now, but down in The Hour offices, they are already working hard to bring us a fresh and exciting season. One of the first new things we've noticed is that the "About The Hour" page on the The Hour's website was updated today. With an updated description of the show, and an updated rundown of George's career accomplishments, the page even gives us a little teaser about where the show may go in Season 5:
In fact, next season, we plan to broadcast several shows from Los Angeles.
A bit of a change from London and Vancouver, but maybe they'll visit other cities as well. If you could pick where The Hour visits this season, where would you send George and the crew? Let us know where and why.


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