Regarding Henry

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"Women no longer die as a result of abortion, women no longer get cut up or damaged as a result of abortion, women no longer lose their fertility as a result of abortion. The situation has improved greatly over most of Canada, and I'm proud of that."

~ Dr. Henry Morgentaler

On July 1st, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, announced the latest appointees to the Order of Canada, our nation's highest civilian honour. Among them, one of Canada's most controversial citizens, Dr. Henry Morgentaler, "for his commitment to increased health care options for women, his determined efforts to influence Canadian public policy and his leadership in humanist and civil liberties organizations."

Born in Poland in the 20's, Morgentaler survived Auschwitz. After WWII, he immigrated to Canada, settled in Montreal, completed his studies in medicine and opened his practice. In 1967 Morgentaler addressed a House of Commons "Health and Welfare Commitee", advocating that Canada repeal its abortion laws so as "to give women the right to choose". In challenging the Criminal Code, he performed abortions in his clinic in contravention of the law and was charged and then acquitted in several jury trials. When a higher court overturned a lower court decision, he served ten months in jail. In 1988 the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the abortion laws, deeming them unconstitutional.

If you missed Dr. Morgentaler's visit to The Hour last October, you can watch the interview here.

Since the announcement of Dr. Morgentaler's appointment, the decision of the Order's Advisory Council , has been debated in the court of public opinion. Here are some opposing views...

"Dr. Morgentaler upholds the Canadian values of democracy, human rights,
equality for women."
~ Joyce Arthur, Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada

“Canada’s highest honour has been debased. We are all diminished.”
~ Most Rev. Thomas Collins, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Toronto

"Dr. Morgentaler’s efforts put both his reputation and his personal safety at risk in the name of advancing a woman’s right to choose. I believe the Order of Canada is an appropriate way to recognize the sacrifices he made in the name of women’s rights. Today, abortion is safer and more accessible in Canada and that is something we can never take for granted."

~ Jack Layton, NDP leader

"Henry Morgentaler’s Canada is not my Canada."
~ Douglas Farrow, associate professor of Christian Thought, McGill University

I have always had conflicting views on the issue of abortion. I often associate those who perform the procedure in the context of "one man's (or in this case, woman's) terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". In cases of rape/incest or where pre-natal testing determines severe birth defects exist and there would be little (if any) quality of life, I think yes. In the case of sexual irresponsibilty, where abortion becomes a form of birth control after the fact, I consider all the people unable to have children who are on an adoption waiting list and I think no.

Should Dr. Henry Morgentaler be a recipient of the Order of Canada? I guess it depends on WHO you consider him to be...a terrorist or a freedom fighter?

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