SM Davao Celebrates World Teacher's Day on October 5th

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World Teacher's Day is celebrated across the world on October 5th. It is intended to be a special day for the appreciation of teachers.

Joining the Department of Education and the rest of the World, SM City Davao recognizes the great tasks of teachers in educating and molding future and responsible citizens.

From October 1 to 5, students are encouraged to express their gratitude to their mentor's at SM's Wall of Greetings located at the mall's ground floor. Also, they may strike a pose at the SM's Teacher's Day Photo Booth!

To top it all, teachers can get special freebies and discounts from participating stores at SM Davao - Onesimus, Dencio's Kamayan, Shapes, Speedo, Ganeco, Kamiseta, Rocky's Barbershop, PT Coco, Gingersnaps, Rusty Lopez, SM Supermarket, SM Department Store, Prestige, Karimadon and Nike Athletic Club.

Shop, dine and have fun! Celebrate Teacher's Day at SM City Davao - where we all come together!


Mais um achado: Lápis corretivo Fenzza

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Olha só pessoal esse é o lápis corretivo da Fenzza, muitas meninas pediram para que eu falasse um pouco sobre ele, porque tenho usado muito nos meus vídeos de tutoriais de maquiagem. Tem validade de 3 anos e já estou usando a 4 meses, dura bastante mesmo pois é super sequinho. Tem em uma das extremidades um pincélzinho de espalhar, muito bom com cerdas bem firmes. Pra mim super funcionou como primer de olhos, pois além de avivar a cor ele segura bem a sombra. Além de tudo isso tem um preço super ascessível, custou apenas R$5,00, vocês encontrar em qualquer loja de cosméticos que trabalha com a marca Fenzza, ok beijos!!!


Empathy Survey - How Do You Feel When You See a Child Suffering?

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I just bought a book by one of my favorite political columnists, Ted Rall. In the foreword, he talks about compassion and empathy. 

He wrote about a time he saw a homeless man and thought, "Thank god, if it weren't for a few lucky breaks, that could have been me." I've thought the same thing before many times too.

How about you?

I agree with what Ted writes in the book and will have a review of "The Year of Loving Dangerously" soon... But, until then, this...

I wonder about people today and think there are far too many people who feint compassion and concern, but it's all an act. Take, for example, the disaster of the earthquake and tsunami of March 11 in Japan. So many people I know were actually sincere and got off their asses and did something...

But I also thought there were way too many people who only helped and contributed because it made them look good doing so. There's nothing so wrong with that, I suppose, as long as people are honest with themselves and open about intentions.

There's a word for this and it's Crocodile Tears.

I also think that there is far too little compassion and empathy amongst people today as a general rule.

Take, for example, the poor people who have suffered in Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures. Terrible situation indeed... But the mass media seem to have gone on and people are losing interest.

Is it human nature to do so? Or are we all just robots with heart strings being pulled by the mass media?

I wonder why people will get together to make (at least the appearance of) an effort to help people who are on TV and suffering far away, yet, in their own neighborhoods, they scorn and look down upon the unfortunate in their own neighborhoods?

For those ends and my own research, I've made a survey at the right of this blog. It is asking the question:

"When you see a homeless person, what do you think?"

I hope you will help me by taking 5 seconds to answer the question (as many answers as you wish)... I will post the results on 10/31/11. 

Note: I changed the name of this post from "When you see a homeless person, what do you think?" to "How Do You Feel When You See a Child Suffering?" Because I know that if I write "Homeless" that is a distasteful subject and many will not bother to read the post.


Máscara para cílios Colossal!!

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Essa é a famosa máscara Colossal da Maybelline, muita gente já conhece e faz uso, porque ela realmente é ótma. Como o nome mesmo diz é Colossal, pois realmente os cílios ficam bem curvados e grandões!!! O melhor é que a marca Maybelline já é comercializada no Brasil a um tempo, e em quase toda fármacia ou loja de cosméticos você pode achar a Colossal, tem um precinho mais salgado, mas vale muito a pena investir!!!


Social Media Throws Common Sense and Manners Out the Window

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I just got a notice from Twitter that an "Automated Mailing Service" has now started following me. I suppose they mean that they want me to start following them back? An automated robot junk-mailing service wants me to start following them? Are they kidding? Why in the world would anyone follow a automated junk mailing service?

Maybe they got my mailing address confused with the mailing address of my kitchen toaster? Maybe she'd be interested in junk mail generated by a robot. I'm not.  


Today the rules on manners and how friends, acquaintances and strangers alike are treated have been turned on its head.

Social Media, as a supposed source of bringing more people together faster, has also brought along with it a distinct lack of common sense and manners 

In the race to accumulate as many fake friends and followers as possible, tradition and common courtesy have been thrown out the window.

It used to be that little things that we took for granted as to how our privacy were to be respected are  today viewed as relics of the prehistoric past. Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the Social Media landscape set the rules as to who matters and who doesn't in today's world.

As if having thousands of "friends" or "followers" most of whom you've never met (or even many who you paid for) actually matters to anyone excepting the narcissist living inside of one's self.

The rules of common courtesy used to dictate silly things like don't call people up at home after eleven pm... Eleven? I remember when it was nine pm!... They also emphasized the importance of an introduction from a mutually trusted and respected friend... Now, if by some chance someone get's your email address, you become fair game for a litany of junk mail and memberships into clubs and associations that you've never asked for nor, in many cases, have you ever even heard of!

I get tons of mail from Facebook and Linkedin (don't forget Twitter) notifying me of this or that. I don't mind the birthday notices or notices for events that I signed up for but I really hate the notices that congratulate me for becoming a member of some community that I didn't sign up for.

Someone has met me once... That, in some strange way, let's them think that gives them the right to sign me up for their community they've started on Facebook... Well, it doesn't. In fact, that puts them on my sh*tlist.

Next time I write about this sort of bad behavior, I will begin to name organizations. Not that it matters what I say, but it's bad PR.

It's 2011, sure. And the rules of the games have changed slightly due to the Internet. But there's one rule that I doubt has changed in 2,000 years. People might know it, but then again, people today don't read books. So let's me explain it to you.

In the bible in Luke 6:31 it says, "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you."

Since you go and sign me up for communities and clubs without my permission, I'm sure you will warmly welcome all the clubs I sign you up for? Say, "Clubbing Baby Seals Association, " "Nazi's for Peace," or how about, "The 10,000 Coupons a Minute Club?" That's the smash success club that guarantees sending you, robotically, over one million coupons by email every 3 months so that you can save!


OK. Then have some manners and common sense. Please don't join me up to your Social Media, or Twitter or Linkedin, Facebook, whatever community without asking me first.

Hopefully your parents did teach you better manners than that.


Batom Mac Summer Shower

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Esse é o Batom MAC Summer Shower, ele parece ser verde, mas na boca fica esse verde clarinho com brilhos, quase imperceptível. Sinceramente não gostei, pensei que fosse mais escura a cor!!!!!!Mas pode ser que pra outras pessoas funcione, porque gosto não se discute.


Esmaltes Magnéticos!!

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Pessoal vocês já viram essa novidade em esmalte? É o esmalte magnético, que dá esse efeito lindo. Muito fácil! Com esse imã que vem junto com o esmalte você faz o efeito exatamente como na foto. Pena que é importado, não vejo a hora de vender aqui no Brasil também.


Michael K. Williams Tuesday night. Not to be missed!

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This is a post by Phyl. She is a fan of both The Wire, Michael K. Williams and George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight and this story is where it all comes together.

Didn’t See That Coming George

Beautiful and complicated characters, rich writing, spot on casting, brutality, humour, the city of Baltimore and all of the stories within ‘the game’. My husband and I watched 5 seasons of The Wire in three months and each episode was like watching a great film. Our evenings went something like this: “Ok, you clean the kitchen while I wash the kids. Best of 3 crazy eights, we split up to read stories, and have them in bed by 8pm. GO!”  

We were spent at the end of this insanity and completely heartbroken on many levels. This is what a love affair with The Wire does to people, in the best possible way.
Literally every single character draws you in, but Omar Little was special. Thief of thieves. Poet. Patient observer in the shadows. Ominous whistler. Openly gay. BAD-ASS. A man must have a code, Bunk said. Indeed. Michael K. Williams portrayed this character with grit and sensitivity.  

Last April he tweeted this:
Description: Description: Michael K Williams
BKBMG Michael K Williams
This is on a wall in the west side of Toronto...Thanks for ALL the love...keep sending the artwork...

On a whim, I tweeted and invited him to our fair city, specifically to the George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight show.  I know what a fan of The Wire George isso it could only result in a great interview and a terrific experience for everyone concerned. Lo and behold, Michael K. Williams tweeted me BACK. He’d love to come and told me who to contact. Score!

A few weeks ago, George announced that ‘Omar comin’!’ His crack booking team had done it. I had to get to this taping if it killed me.     
Description: Description: Phyl
phylmmm Phyl
Setting the tone for my entire day, because TODAY, @bkbmg comin, to @strombo#Indeed. Down in the Hole
Retweet by Michael K. Williams! This day was starting off with a BANG.

Arriving at the CBC, sporting my B&B Enterprises t-shirt, I see George and I can tell he’s psyched. The doors to studio 43 open and my friend Barbara and I are escorted to the front row. I’m over the moon about this primo vantage point.

George pulls out all of the stops for this interview and his guest responds in kind. He’s open and cool, funny, grateful and a little sly. He’s everything I’d hoped for and more. Generally guests are whisked away post interview but this day George points at me and before I know it, ‘Omar’ and his beautiful scar, is standing in front of me with his hand outstretched. “Hi, I’m Michael”

I have little recollection of what was said but it included “I love your work” (cue eye roll) and that I was SO glad that he had come to the show and also that “I AM FREAKING OUT”. He laughed his hearty laugh and gave me a great big hug. Yup, that happened. To ME!  

First phone call was to my dude. “Sheeeeeit, have I got a story for you. Wait till I get home!” Bragging rights are underrated. Half the fun was telling my friends about my surreal celebrity encounter. 

I look forward to watching Michael K. Williams in Boardwalk Empire, Community and anything else he appears in. I’m a forever fan.

A great big thank you goes to our boyfriend George for introducing my guy and me to The Wire, and for having such a generous and fun spirit. He was the architect of my little odyssey and gave me my Best Story Ever! 

Spoiler alert: The Wire – 100 Greatest Quotes –


Novidade Na Clinique!!!

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Pessoal, estava eu navegando pelo facebook, quando me deparei com essa oportunidade na Clinique, então resolvi postar para passar pra vocês essa oportunidade ok beijos!!
Morumbi Shopping
Av Roque Petroni Jr, 1089 - Piso Superior
Shopping Villa Lobos
Av Das Nações Unidas, 4777 - Piso Térreo
Shopping Iguatemi
Av Brig. Faria Lima, 2232 - Piso 02

Barra Shopping
Av Das Americas, 4666 - Piso Lagoa - Loja 133 A
Shopping Rio Sul
Av Lauro Muller, 166 - Piso 02 - Botafogo



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Olá pessoal hoje estou mostrando um pouquinho da minha intimidade pra vocês que tanto me perguntam!!Olha eu ai com as minhas primas em um bife no bairro do limaõ aqui em São Paulo, niver de 80 anos da Tia do meu Papy que está na outra foto com meu filhão. Look Prata esfumado com batom Avon Color Trend Bombom !!!


Marketing, Internet, SEO & SEM Experts? and CEOs? Charlatans Everywhere!

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If you were to judge the amount of Tweets you get from people who claim to be Marketing, Internet, SEO and SEM experts or CEO's, you'd think the US economy was booming. Jobs galore. But it would all be just an illusion.

I often get Tweets from people who claim to be "Internet Marketing Experts" or "SEO Marketing Experts..." I wonder by what measure they use to give themselves this sort of classification? 


The ones that immediately raise red flags for me are the ones who claim to be "CEO" of some company yet, judging by their photo, they don't look to be much older than 25 or 30.

I've never met any good CEO's who were under 35-years-old. I'm not saying they don't exist, but the big guns and real players are not 30-year-old CEO's of little companies with classification of LLP, LLC or family organizations.

Those are the sorts of titles I hate. Why even bother with the title of CEO?  I mean, who are they trying to impress? Other clueless people? Clueless people usually haven't much money. Why impress them? 

What's the point of being a CEO of a dinky company that has one or two employees? Bragging about it is even more embarrassing. If you do that, stop... It might be OK for picking up some witless boyfriend or girlfriend, but for picking up any investment, it is a detriment.

It certainly isn't any credit to your worth or credibility.

Would you buy a used car from this man? How 
about letting him set up your company SEO?

Do these people use the CEO title because they think they can fool someone into investing into their little company or throwing a big contract at them? Maybe. But I don't think that will work.

"Fools and their money are soon parted"... Most rich people are not fools. That's why they are rich.

I haven't really noticed any serious CEO's using Facebook or Twitter too often. I suppose they do, but not too much. I do know that, and I won't say his name, the CEO of AirAsia X uses Facebook. We became friends that way... And I did arrange a few promotions for them in Japan because of it...

But I think he is the exception to the rule.

I don't think most CEO's have time to bother with this Social Media stuff. The CEO's I know avoid this, if they can, and I know from experience that they try to avoid even looking at their email if at all possible.... Spending time on Facebook and Twitter?! I don't think so. 

I get these invitations for Twitter and such, and, if the photo looks like a young guy and his title says "CEO" or "SEO expert" I know it's BS.... But I'm a nice guy, I friend them anyway... It's just quicker that way and I don't have to think about it for more than a second. Friending them takes one click. Deleting them takes two clicks. Friending them is faster. 

I check their photo and go to their Twitter page. If I don't see at least a blog or a company page, then I know they are bullsh*tters. That's OK. Everyone needs to start somewhere... Maybe they will learn some useful lessons along the way. I certainly have.

One of the big lessons I learned was not creating idiotic titles like CEO for myself when there are only one or two employees at my company in order to impress people I don't even know. Impressing people who haven't a clue is a waste of time... People who do have a clue will know it's BS, so it is actually self-defeating to do so.

Here's a good test for you. I never claim that I am an "SEO or "Internet expert" yet go to Google Search and search the words, "Japan China." You will get 1 billion 380 million results. On page one of search results you will also see two articles that I wrote. See here:

Even with that, I do not claim to be an SEO expert. 

If you are a customer, and the guy is telling to you to give him him your business because he is an "SEO expert" then give him this test:

1) Do they blog? If so, check their blog and see when they started. 

Blogging for six months is nothing to brag about. That's not even a rookie. Search some generic titles and see if you can find any results where they show up at the top of the list (and, no, I don't mean specific searches for the exact title of that particular blog post. I mean, if they write an article about, say, "Sicily pizza"... Search "pizza" or "Sicily" and see if you can find their article on the first few pages of results. If they are hot at SEO, you should be able to).

1a) If they do blog, check to see if they post everyday. Posting everyday for at least a year shows dedication and resolve (and that they are crazy). If they don't do that, or haven't, then they are poseurs and not players or, at best, students of the game.

2) Go look at their Facebook or Twitter account. Check the dates when they began. Is there a corporate page for this person's company? If not, forget it.     

On the other hand, If you are one of the many who are guilty of making these wild claims on expertise or being a "pro", then I suggest you stop. There are far too many charlatans running around as it is. If you get the label "charlatan" it will be quite hard to shake. 

Building trust and a good reputation takes a long time... It isn't made in an instant by creating a Twitter account and claiming, on the spot, that you are an expert. As former Soviet president Michale Gorbachev once said, "A lie told even ten thousands times never becomes the truth."

Stop claiming that you are "Internet savvy" if you are not. Just being able to do Internet searches or use G-mail does not make one internet savvy. Stop claiming you are a "CEO" unless you have a company that has at least, say, ten employees minimum...

And stop claiming that you are an "SEO expert" if you are not. It's easy to find out if it is all BS or not. You make the rest of us poseurs look bad....

You can become these "expert" things but just saying that you are or reading one book doesn't make you one. It will take a few years of effort and study.

The fastest and simplest way? Start a blog and start writing. Do that everyday, religiously. Use Twitter and Facebook to drive traffic to your posts. Write everyday religiously. Before, bowing to the east every morning, blog... Blog before that and after that... 

And blog before and after that!  

Study why some articles get many reads and why others don't. Practice and rearrange...

It will take you between one to two years to get a basic understanding of how it works and how to jolt your writing and titles to get high SEO results.

It's a close guarded secret by those who do know how to do it..

This stuff isn't written in a book. You only learn through sincere and dedicated effort. 

A jawbone is never a replacement for a backbone. Get started.


What's up with Strombo this week

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The Strombo Show

September 25/2011

Simple songs is the inspiration for this Sunday's Strombo Show, as Bob Mackowycz visits. Alex 'The Can Con Dawn" Narveaz drops by to play some solid Canadian Hip Hop and beyond.

Our Blend Mini Mix is from Jordan Mandel from London, Ontario who was allowed to sample Marshall McLuhan speeches over his composed music.
The Magnificent Seven Countdown is stacked with great new music, we pay tribute to Bands that have called it quits, 10 with Tom Waits, and Nod to the God of Drummers.

Tune in to, or listen online to, CBC Radio 2 from 8-11 pm and you can follow along with George @Strombo and more can be found at

contributed by
Darby Wheeler

Monday Sept 26
NDP PM The Honorable Olivia Chow
As well as Candian Actor Shawn Ashmore

Tuesday Sept 27 
From The Wire and Boardwalk Empire Michael Kenneth Williams
plus Author Erin Morgenstern

Wednesday Sept 28

Theater genius SirTim Rice
And the Machine Gun Preacher Sam Childers

Thursday Sept 29

Canadian Comedian Russell Peters
also Law Professor and Author Joel Bakan

Friday Sept 30 
Best of The Week 
Musical Guest Nick Lowe


What is True Prosperity?

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There is an ancient Chinese Buddhist Zen story about prosperity.

It goes something like this:

There was a very wealthy land-owning family in a village and one day they decided to build a huge family home on their land. This house was to be an almost palace in its grandeur for the entire area. There was no expense too great for this home as they wanted it to be a symbol of their family and they wanted it to stand for many years.

Once this great home was nearing completion, the grandfather and the sons called a famous priest to write a scroll blessing the family, the home and their future prosperity.

The priest accepted the job and went back to the temple to meditate.

After a short time he returned to the house and opened the scroll and proudly held it up on the wall.

The scroll said,

"Grandfather dies,

father dies,

son dies,

grandson dies."

The family were furious. They were enraged and began insulting the priest, threatening him and demanding that he take the scroll back and change what was written on it.

The priest sighed and, as he was rolling up the scroll, he looked and said to them,

"I am sorry that you are unhappy with my work. How do you wish me to change the order on the scroll?..."

The family were dumbstruck. They didn't know what to say. They didn't know how the order could be changed.

The priest heaved a sigh once again and unrolled the scroll and hung it on the wall.

He said,

"'Grandfather dies,

father dies,

son dies,

grandson dies.'...

That is true prosperity.


I Wish I Could Remain a Child Forever

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I suppose it always happens like this for everyone. My father died last night. 

Last night, when I came home from work, I got a message that said, 


I am so sorry to tell you this, your father passed away last night. I don't know the details, I am waiting for your brother to get home. Now he is at peace. 
Please call if you need to talk."

I don't need to talk about it. Just write, I suppose. 
When I heard the news, I wasn't shocked, but thought, "Gee, I just talked to him the other day and he seemed fine."
Well, maybe he wasn't fine but he sounded better than he did several weeks ago.
Before he died he told me that the only three things that ever mattered to him were the US marines, my mom and us three brothers.
My mom died about 16 years ago.
Hopefully, his spirit can reside with my mom's now. I said a prayer for him.

I have missed my mom all this time. I'll miss my dad. 
From today, now, I must take the position in my immediate family that my mom and my dad took. I must try to care for the children and make sure they are happy.
I used to be "the children" now I am the "grandfather."
I don't want to do the grandfather role. 
I wish I could remain a child forever. But I can't.

Today? Hug your parents if you still can and hug your kids... 

It seems like just yesterday that it was the 1960's and my parents had a house and a car. My mom was young and beautiful and she cooked, cleaned and took care of our school stuff... 

Dad was working, like all dads do... He also had black hair... He wrestled with us kids, took us to baseball games and he cooked barbecue... Like all dads do... 

One day, tomorrow is tomorrow and in the far-flung future... Then, one day, tomorrow is coming soon.... Then, out of the blue, tomorrow is here.

Soon, way too soon, tomorrow will be yesterday... Live it while you can!

NOTE: This is pretty weird, and I just realized it, but this is my 1000th posting on this blog. I was planning to write something profound for my 1000th... But all I got was this news that made me write this post about death... Weird, no?

Once again, in my life, with how these "coincidences" keep happening, I just have to throw my arms in the air and shrug my shoulders and say to the world, "Don't tell me that there's no God!"... (And I'm not even a Christian!)


Proof You're Getting Old: You Smell "Dusty"!

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Please don't be offended at the title of this post. Do old people smell dusty? Do old people smell bad or funny?

Like I said, please do not get angry at me about this comment, direct your anger to my ex-friend Tom.

Let me explain... Tom insulted me the other day. He said I smelled like an "old guy." I thought we were friends.... Guess not.

I don't know, but this stuff looks like it smells like the ocean or maybe fish... 
Or, even fish bait. And what's the deal with that jet airplane and the boat?
Airplane fuel? Diesel? Fishes? Yeah! That's it. 
Smells like shark bait! "Oh baby! I love that salty smell!"

Remember when you were a little kid and your grandparents or some older family friends would come over to visit you? It would be someone like aunt Emma and uncle Fred from Philadelphia who your parents hadn't seen in ten years but they loved them so dearly. Remember?

In return, aunt Emma and uncle Fred loved you so much too. So much so that they sent you Christmas presents and birthday presents every year. You kind of knew who they were (in pictures with you when you were a very little baby) but you didn't remember them well.

Now they have come to visit. Remember? You were 10-years-old and they arrived at your house. You smile and are a bit shy. They insist on kissing you... Especially aunt Emma... 

Uncle Fred doesn't kiss.... He just shakes your hand and smells like old pipe tobacco or some old musky after-shave that you think he bought before the great war... No, I'm not talking about Vietnam... I'm talking about The Great War as in 1914.

Aunt Emma likes to kiss and hug you... Way too much. The hugging is bad enough because she smells like dusty lilacs or stale lavender and her teeth have lipstick spots on them... But the worst part of the kissing you all the time isn't that. It's the fact that when she kisses you she always slobbers on you too. And she slobbers a lot... Her slobber smells bad too... It kind of smells like boiled cabbage or corned beef hash.

Of course, the family dog slobbers on you too, and that disgusting enough, but at least the dog is afraid of your wrath and will stay away when you push him away... Aunt Emma? Afraid of you? Ha! She pounces on you every chance she gets like a desperately hungry Bengal tiger goes for a baby lamb with a gammy leg. Like devouring you whole, she hugs and kisses and slobbers on you every chance she gets. Oh! That sickening wet pond-scummy kiss! Yuck!

You can tell by just looking at her that she smells good.

Anyway, the point I am getting at is that, besides your aunt always slobbering on you, I think older people smell, well,.... different. Don't you think so?

Maybe, in the old days, smelling like a dusty barn or a moldy garage was sexy. I don't know. I wasn't there. But nowadays I think you have to smell like a famous movie star or something that smells like pheromones or whatever those smell like! 

Some dude named Orlando... I guess the girls
think he must smell good.

Don't get me wrong. I've always liked old people. They have the best stories to tell and they always have lots of great wisdom to pass on... I've learned a lot from old people. 

But darned if I didn't meet lots of them who smelled, well, they smelled "dusty."

Not that long ago, why it seems like it was just a few weeks ago, that I was 17-years-old... Heck, it was just the other day that I was in my twenties and thirties.... My current wife told me that she "loved my smell." 

I think I smelled like a wild stallion out at a stud farm... Hee, hee... Memories...

But, darn, now I'm 54... My wife is 41... I wonder if, to young people today, we have started smelling like dusty barns? No. It can't be! We were born after the Industrial Revolution so maybe our generation smells like old oily rags, broken down cars or burnt out transistor radios. 

You know, that burnt smell that worn out transistors made? Yeah. That must be it!

I still think that young girls probably smell nice. But I don't get the chance to smell them too often as doing that could be construed as a crime.... And, I don't appreciate it when people are sneaking glances at me while dialing 9-11 (in Japan it is 110 for police emergencies).

As I write this, my ex-friend, Tom, sits next to me. Let me ask him exactly "What do old people smell like?"

Tom says that, "People over 50 smell like old Japanese dusty pillows."

See? I told you he was a jerk. Right after he insults 75% of the entire population of the planet earth, Tom realizes his error and begins to try to kiss my a*s and says, "But I like the smell of old stinky pillows."

Yeah. Sure, you do, Tom. Sure. Stinky pillows? Wow! Can you imagine what that does for the self-esteem of us senior citizens?

Well, what's the point of all of this? I guess it is just another sign of growing old; younger people start to think you smell funny. Well, that might be true... But I am proud of my stinkiness. It is a badge of honor.

They say that one of the ways to grow old with class is to gracefully give up the treasures of youth. I didn't think that not smelling like a boys locker room was a treasure of youth, but I guess it is... And I have to give it up... Like my old socks...  

I don't want to smell nice anyway... It just means that I'd have to take a shower everyday and brush my teeth... 

I didn't get married because I wanted to shower and brush my teeth everyday... I mean, what's the point of getting married if you still are expected to shave, shower and smell good? 

I thought you did that because you wanted to get a girlfriend... Not because you already had one!

Tomorrow, in part two of this report, I will investigate why older, married couples never have sex... Stay tuned!

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