Agro Trade Fair Part 1 - Pots and pottery

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Whoa! Time flies by so fast. It's already August and the festive atmosphere of Davao City is here again. Why? Because Kadayawan Festival is fast approaching. Kadayawan Festival is an annual festival in the Davao City, Philippines. Its name derives from the friendly greeting "Madayaw", from the Dabawenyo word "dayaw", meaning good, valuable, superior or beautiful. The festival is a celebration of life, a thanksgiving for the gifts of nature, the wealth of culture, the bounties of harvest and serenity of living.

Today, Kadayawan has transformed into a festival of festivals, with a number of spin-off festivals in the region. The festival honors Davao’s artistic, cultural and historical heritage, its past personified by the ancestral “lumads”, its people as they celebrate on the streets, and its floral industry as its representatives parade in full regalia in thanksgiving for the blessings granted on the city. A celebration that interfaces the three aspects: tribal; industrial and; arts and entertainment. The festivities are highlighted with floral floats, street-dancing competitions and exhibits that showcases the island's tourism products and services.

One of the exhibits that I love most during Kadayawan Festival is the Agro-Trade fair wherein there are lots of display of flowers, plants, orchids that grows here in Davao City. Aside from that, display of fruits and beautiful pots that are made in Davao are also showcased.

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