Music, Sex, Misfits, Legends...and George in a Beer Store

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On the Strombo Show this Sunday, George will be interviewing
_______________THE FLATLINERS________________
From their MySpace page: "They play punk rock/reggae/grime that makes you want to dance and punch. Hailing from Toronto and having been together for 5 years now; They will most likely kill you, but doing so will have never sounded so sweet."


So....Like I teased in the title, here it is:
George in a Beer Store.

(Mag, that is)
CHILL is the official magazine of The Beer Store in Ontario, and for anyone that's not familiar with George's drinking habits; he doesn't. (Although I hear he's a big fan of O'Douls.)
That aside, for anyone interested in reading a very chill-axed & insightful interview with George, crack open a frosty beverage, be responsible and enjoy.

And finally, for those wondering when the HECK the new season starts, you can pencil in Monday, September 15th.
Anyone in the Toronto area wishing to book tickets to see the show live, I am sorry to say that the first week looks like it's sold out; however, if you go on over to The Hour's website, they still have some pre-tape tickets available from Sept 4th - Sept 11th.
Also a good way to get a sneak peak at some of the upcoming guests!

This week on The Hour

Mon, Sept 1st - Music

An all-access, exclusive full-hour TV special with acclaimed British band Coldplay.

Tues, Sept 2nd
- Sex

Canadian sex educator Sue Johanson & singer Wayne Newton.

Wed, Sept 3rd - Misfits

Bestselling author Augusten Burroughs & Canadian actor Dave Foley.

Thurs, Sept 4th - Legends

Legendary rocker Ronnie Hawkins & former supermodel Iman.

Fri, Sept 5th - If you have a common denominator, insert here.

Canadian actor Nicholas Campbell & Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist.

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