The super healthy breakfast. This is what my son eats everyday! You should too! You'll lose weight, feel great and look years younger. I started eating raw over three years ago and I am never going back the the standard sick diet that everyone eats. I recommend the raw food diet for everyone. It’s also good for all sorts of ailments.
Left: (raw) Grapefruit, strawberries, lettuce, cashews, blueberries, carrots, mini tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges slices, (lightly boiled) broccoli.
Right: Home made raw juice. Ingredients: Cabbage, broccoli and alfalfa sprouts, ginger root, asparagus, carrot, broccoli, Goya, pineapple, oranges, banana, milk.
Not pictured: One half English muffin and two slices bacon.
Note: I usually just have the juice - about one liter and one banana for breakfast. I do not eat the toast and bacon. I am slowly weaning my son off the cooked food. He is now about a 70% raw food eater. I am 95%.
OK, well, my hair is a disaster (as usual) but I'm 6 months short of 55-years-old in this photo. I know if I stay on the raw food, I can keep this for the next ten years. (Photo taken at 11:40 am Saturday Feb. 11, 2012)
Seriously, I recommend this for everyone. I used to have gout and high blood pressure. But I don't anymore. I wrote about that in Gout Sufferers of the World, Unite!
"... a raw food diet can cure and help alleviate the problems and pains of many diseases and ailments. So, I ordered the book, The Live Food Factor, and tried it. I went 70% raw for the first two months. I also got great tips from the Beating Gout web page.
I've stopped drinking alcohol and I now eat raw foods at least two meals a day. I also try to drink at least three quarts of fresh water every day. I found the advice in the book The Live Food Factor wonderful and I recommend it to you.
Even though I eat raw at least twice a day, I can tell you that I do feel great. I take no gout medicines and my cholesterol levels are completely normal too. I have also cut my blood pressure medicine dosage by two-thirds and plan on quitting altogether when I get the courage up to eat three raw meals a day.
Annette Larkins at 69 years old.
That was one and one-half years ago. Now I take no medicines and my blood pressure is an extremely healthy 120 / 74! I will never go back to the poison and junk like processed foods that so many people eat today.
And get this: Eating raw food costs nothing extra! There are no catches! It isn't a fancy diet! Raw Food? Eat all you want when you want!
Here's a TON of testimonials from those who have thrown away our modern Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) and gotten back to natural foods: