A commentator to one of my recent posts called me a "extreme right winger on the internet" because I said that "Japan is a homogenous society." When I asked for an explanation, he wrote:
"as for ネトウヨ it means in internet speak an extreme right winger on the internet... article talks about the right wingers angry at a group called perfume (who are very cute and very good singers too by the way) because they were on a tv show and said they liked kimuchi nabe. This caused the ネトウヨ to become angry and spout their anti-korean messages and calling korean チョン and saying they should die and what not." (sic)
I failed to see (and still do) where I can be called an "extreme right winger on the internet" because I related the world-wide commonly understood notion that "Japan is a homogenous society." Let me defend myself by saying that I didn't invent the term, nor did I apply it first to Japan, nor am I intelligent enough to analyize Japanese society enough to formulate the opinion. I'm just passing on commonly agreed to knowledge and conclusions.
Even though I do that, I am called an "extreme right winger on the internet"?
Yes. I know, dear reader. It seems very twisted and painful logic but these are the things that bloggers must suffer. If you wish to blog, be forewarned. But that's not the point... I get these kinds of attacks all the time. Perhaps my writing (of course my writing) is not as good or clear as it should be. I usually delete the ad hominem attacks immediately as they are VERY rude and insulting. But today's I have, so I want to use it as a base... This is not meant as an attack on this one individual as, like I said, it could be because my poor writing skills so I'm sorry. Let me explain....
Everyday, when I wake up, I write my ten goals for the day. You should too! I was taught to do this by some of my millionaire friends. Trust that when a successful millionaire advises you to do something, you probably should take the advice. One of my important goals is always #8. It says, "I am kind to people." This has to do with people I meet on the street or at work or people who comment on my blog posts. Many people just try my patience. Whether it be from their lack of experience, naievity, or poor education or work skills.
Being kind to people, especially to rude commentators is great therapy for the soul. I am always happy with myself when I can be kind and not lose my cool. So writing it down everyday helps me to do it.
I tried not to blast the guy (a few years ago I certainly would have).
I find it astounding that someone would call me a right winger with its connotations of being racist and anti-immigration. Why? Since I was born, I have been a minority in my home country with an immigrant mother. I am most certainly a minority and an immigrant in Japan with children of mixed heritage (even more so than myself). How in the world could anyone consider me right wing? That would be the height of hypocrisy (which might make me eligible for a ranking post at the US State Department, no?)
In America, I had a Japanese immigrant mother. So I was considered half-Japanese American. No big deal. I was proud of it.
In Japan, my mother was part Korean Japanese (well, when you get right down to it, what Japanese isn't?) Why my mom was naturalized Japanese is because her 1/4 or 1/2 Korean Japanese mother (unsure exactly) and Japanese father died when she was a baby and she was adopted by a very wealthy Japanese family with connections (or so her adopted family "sisters" told me). Hence she was allowed to be naturalized Japanese. On top of that, I am an immigrant with a Japanese wife and mixed race children.
Gee, think I am right winged and racist? That's probably like attacking a gay or transvestites by claiming they are "Republicans."
So that probably defends my position as not being "extreme right winger on the internet" no? Then the commentators remarks about,
This caused the ネトウヨ to become angry and spout their anti-korean messages and calling korean チョン and saying they should die and what not."
Relating my saying "Japan is a homogenous country" to this is, well, frankly speaking scatalogical and just plain nuts.
Anyway, not to completely change the subject...
I also work with Korean artists and promoters bringing Korean music to the Japanese public. In a recent exchange with a true right winged nut I was attacked with these comments:
Soccer is global phenomenon and, after Japan beat Korea at the recent Asia Cup 2011 (which they took the championship), a Korean soccer player mocked the Japanese by imitating a monkey. That simply goes to show you how much the friggin' Koreans feel about the Japanese.
You might seriously consider passing the pipe you're smoking so the rest of us can hallucinate an ideal world the same as you...
You'll never get me to say anything about idiot professional sports fans (especially like those who exhibit behavior as you have reported). This sort of thing happens because professional sports fans are so immature and barbarous that they get a vicarious thrill and pride at seeing "their" team defeat another team as if that makes them - or their "tribe" - superior in some way.
Even that I tried to control my temper, I failed a the end by calling these pro sports fans "idiots." Please forgive me. Rome wasn't built in a day. I would like to come back with some funny and snappy remarks, but it is hard when people are so, well, dumb and antagonistic.
Why argue with these people? Excepting as therapy to teach one self patience?
Finally, let me show you some recent pictures from November 2011 with some friends. I am a producer of radio programs: