Could it finally be happening?
Are you aware that huge demonstrations are occurring all over the United States, yet these demonstrations are ignored by the mainstream media? The demonstrations grow in size by the day, yet, as I said, they are ignored.... Even as the New York demonstrations reach nearly one million protestors. This just goes to show how the mass media is all a part of the scam to steal and rob the American public blind. Now, people are fed up with being cheated and getting ripped off by the government and the big banks.... (I did, though, find one major media report just out today:
Besides these reports on the Alternative media, basically these demonstrations do not exist as far as the MSM is concerned. But, ignore them or not, people are fed up and rising up.
....How many people voted for "change" in 2008 yet did not receive it?
If things continue as they are going now, things are going to get very ugly folks.
Make no mistake about it... These events actually started a long time ago... When the US government nakedly committed aggression and invaded a nation that posed no threat to us. That was merely the start of the most recent fire... It began long before that.
This most recent farce and naked aggression has lead led to massive US government borrowing and defense spending and wars against many Muslim nations... Wars that will suck the USA of her riches and treasures dry t the bone... These wars and the military-industrial complex that leads them has led us to the economic malaise we now face and the corruption of the government in bailing out Wall Street and the banks and the Status Quo.
The people finally see what is going on. People are mad, unemployed and, as Gerald Celente would say, "When people have nothing more to lose, they lose it!"
It will take some time, but could this finally be the end of the US political and economic system? Could it be upon us now? I believe that we are witnessing history.
I don't mean to sound alarmist, but this is a country with many earthquakes and natural disasters anyhow. I suggest that you stock up on food and water and get some gold and silver while you can. It's not like you will lose any money being prepared, right? If you have kids and do not have at least a week of water and food, then you are foolish.