Healthy looking week on GS Tonight

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Sunday Jan 2 2011
This is the final week of Strombo's 100 or as G calls it StromboHundo.The best final third of the 100 songs featured on the Strombo Show's wrap up of 2010. 
G. Stroumboulopoulos

StromboHundo is on the homestretch tonight on the . Hear what the mainstream slept on. Starts at 8p @

ON G S Tonight this week...

Monday Jan 3 2011

Dr. Ali Zentner is starring a new CBC show, 'Village on a Diet'.

Friend of the show and Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver

Tuesday Jan 4 2011
Welsh Singer Paul Potts
Actress/Singer Jill Hennessy

Wednesday Jan 5 2011
French Canadian award winning Actor Rémy Girard

Thursday Jan 6 2011
Canadian Heavyweight Boxer George Chuvalo

Friday Jan 7 2011
A Sudanese musician and former child soldier Emmanuel Jal

Chrissie Hynde is a Singer/Guitarist/Songwriter for the Pretenders

For details about each guest please click on their names also check out
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