Put your thinking caps on!

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Thinking Cap Pictures, Images and Photos

It's the week before Labour Day! If you are a student (or a teacher), likely you are in a state of mourning, as the countdown to the start of another school year is underway! I feel your pain...trust me! Bright and early on Tuesday, September 7th, I will be standing in Room 104 asking myself where July and August went. :-)

With many brains on hiatus over the past several weeks AND both The Hour and The Strombo Show still in re-run mode, I decided to turn this week's 'what's coming up' into a brain teaser...a word scramble to be exact. You've likely seen the interviews with this week's guests at least once. So lets test your memory and your puzzle solving ability! If you get stuck, click on the link and all will be revealed. Happy unscrambling!

Monday, August 30
Tuesday, August 31
Wednesday, September 1
Thursday, September 2
(this one is easy)
Friday, September 3
So, how did you do? Did you have to click?
In other news...
Have you been trying your luck at the "Weekly Win" contest on The Hour's website? Many great prize packs are up for grabs including books, DVD's and CD's.
Did you miss George's visit this week to Q with Jian Ghomeshi on CBC Radio One? Click here to listen to the August 24th podcast of the interview with substitute host Zaib Shaikh.
And finally...
Last week Tracy touched upon a reminder that while we very much appreciate people reading and commenting, we'd respectfully ask that everyone play nicely. To keep the conversation going, we have elected not to use comment moderation. For those of you unfamiliar with this, basically it is a blogger feature that allows us to approve comments before they are published to the blog. We really do not want to go down this route as it is both time consuming for us and does take away from the genuine real time conversation going on amongst readers. We are trusting our readers to leave comments relevent to The Hour and The Strombo Show. Please do keep in mind that our blog is viewed by people of all ages and that as adults we need to all be good role models. Thank you.

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