Indulge at Rai Rai Ken

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Rai Rai Ken at Robinson's

The menu

waiting for our order

Gomuku (mixed seafoods with hard-boiled egg)

yummy strawberry shake

the smiling and beauteous waitress clad in Japanese attire:)

the place, cozy and comfortable

Being a breastfeeding mom, I really love soup. It does not only give warmth to my tummy but also increases my milk production, as what I have observed:). This is a rather late post because this food trip happened a month ago, when me and hubby were looking for Keona's elusive milk, Nan 3 HW. I say elusive because we have already visited a lot of department stores, literally from north to south - SM mall, GS Mall, Gaisano Mall, Victoria Plaza, Robinson's including major drugstores but it's not available (update: it is now available in leading supermarkets and drugstores). When we reached Robinsons Department store, we were already very hungry so we decided to have our snack at Rai Rai Ken, just within Robinson's area because I know they have yummy soup and the restaurant is not crowded with people.
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