My vote goes to Mar Roxas for Vice President

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Yesterday, me and hubby were eating kwik-kwik at the corner of our village before heading home. Then there's a siren that made the vehicles gave way for them. It caught our attention and I asked hubby what was it. "Perhaps there's a VIP visiting here in Davao", he replied. We just ate our kwik-kwik while facing to the street and then suddenly somebody emerged from a black SUV waving his hands, smiling and giving an L sign which stands for their political party, Liberal party. We right away recognized him. He was Mar Roxas!

It was not the first time I saw him in person. I once was able to see him close-up when he once visited Bankerohan Public Market when he was famous for his tag line Mr. Palengke. He is handsome and very charismatic. No wonder he won the heart of Ms. Korina Sanchez :).

I like Mar Roxas. He stands firm on issues and my vote for Vice president goes to him and hubby said his too.
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