Finishing off 2009 in Strombo style...

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Happy Holiday Season to all & may the end of 2009 hold relaxation & mellow reflecting on another year gone by. Easier to attain then you think:

From the Facebook group, The Strombo Show:
"Anyone listening in strange wintery places?
Dare we say, an All-Country Sad Off tonight? Bob is in with his Saddest Country songs.
The Strombo show continues with our last show of 2009.
8pm- Midnight All Across Canada.
Saving Radio 2. (That's a joke)
Commercial Free.
Fife Master's, Parisian hipsters, Twins and Love and... Porn are just some of the things we will be serving up tonight."
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The Hour's shows for Dec 28 - Jan 1

Mon, Dec 28

Michael Moore, Nickelback, Morgan Freeman

Tues, Dec 29

Howie Mandel, Michaelle Jean, Stephen King

Wed, Dec 30

Andre Agassi, Jimmy Carter, Drew Barrymore

Thur, Dec 31

NYE SPECIAL ~ Featuring Al Gore

Fri, Dec 1st ~ Repeat: NYE SPECIAL

Don't forget, if you didn't get a chance to see The Hour's Holiday Music Special you can watch it on their site:
AND.... if there's any tracks from the show that you can't do without, you can download them HERE.

Happy New Year's Everyone!

The Hour will continue the season with brand new shows, starting on Mon, January 4th, 2010.

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