You Can't Always Get What You Want...

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... but if you try sometimes you might find... you get what you need. So, in the spirit of Mick and the Boys... ask and you just might receive, dear readers.
What would you like to see us talk about on the blog? What issues pique your interest and make you want to come back and check out what we're on about? Authors, musicians, actors, world leaders, philanthropists? Maybe you'd like to see us play Devil's Advocate on the bigger issues brought out within the context of the interviews on The Hour? How about a series of 'I hope that when this guest is on The Hour, George asks them this... '

We will always commit to bring you the What's Coming Up this Week on The Hour and when the Strombo Show Mach 3 launches Sunday, November 8th on CBC Radio2 we'll yak a bit about that too, I'm sure...

So... believe me. This will be quicker than a dinner time telemarketing survey and FAR less painful than a bikini wax. Please take a moment to contribute your two cents on the content you'd like to see us post here.

What do you like reading? What info can you not live without? What topics do you best enjoy? Keep it constructive, please. One thing you should know for example is that while we get the list of guests scheduled to appear a bit ahead of y'all, we can't control schedule changes. Because, after all, if we were that powerful - wouldn't we just put all our focus into guessing the winning 649 numbers? Yes, that was rhetorical.

In closing... thanks for stopping by and reading when you get a moment. Time is precious, so that you choose to spend some of yours reading our ramblings is an honour.

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