The 2009 campaign goals include:
Convincing all provincial governments to create and implement poverty reduction plans. Some provinces such as Newfoundland and Labrador already have such plans in place, other provinces have not. Based upon a set of targets, this kind of strategy works at all levels of government to bring together the money and resources needed for those most affected by poverty. More about the Poverty Reduction Strategy.
This year, the leaders of the G8 will meet in Italy for their annual summit. As in previous years, global poverty and climate change are on the agenda, but the effect of the economic crisis will take centre stage. Make Poverty History has teamed up with the Global Call to Action Against Poverty to send the G8 leaders a strong message that they need to keep their promises to double the aid sent to Africa and to do more to protect those living in poverty who are most affected by the crisis. Make Poverty History is also working on their campaign for the 2010 G8 summit, which will be held in Canada.
Make Poverty History works on a variety of campaigns throughout the year to send the message that poverty needs to be dealt with now. One of MPH's main events this year will be their STAND UP Days of Action October 16, 17 and 18th. Last year over 76000 Canadians took part and MPH hopes that more will participate this year.
Also, MPH wants to generate pressure directed at the Federal Government so that the next budget will do more to address and assist those that were hit hard by the growing global economic crisis.
Make Poverty History is asking for the support of all Canadians... through participating in MPH events or by giving a small financial donation to MPH. Events happen across Canada so make sure you check the MPH event page often to find an event near you. One of simplest ways you can show your support is to buy a White Bracelet from your local Ten Thousand Villages store.