A young chap named Ryan Levia created a Facebook group called:
Stephen Harper and 'The Hour' . An absence defining our vote.
The kitten named Diefenbaker
(which it seems that he somehow already got a hold of),
the autographed book, the choice of new haircuts, George's pocket change & now the spiffy platform shoes don't seem to be enough of an enticement for Harper.
So perhaps with your help we can use the "voice" of a social network to shout:
"HEY HARPER! GET YOUR ASS ONTO THE HOUR. We want to hear what you have to say!"
Personally, there's not much that he could say to get my vote, but at least I'd give him a few minutes of my time to hear him answer some questions George & The Hour's team have ready for him.
If you're thinking to yourself; "There's no way Harper would even consider being influenced by such a group or network." Think again!
Check it out.....even the Prime Minister of Canada has an official Facebook profile!
The Hour of Facebook?
We thought we'd try to help Ryan and The Hour out with their Harper Bait '08.