(photo used with Steph's permission. Actually, it was her idea!)
My maternal grandparents, both of whom passed away far too early.
The third? Maybe my father.
2) Parallel park or drive around the block?
I learned how to drive in my dad's three-quarter ton pick-up truck modified for off-roading. In the words of my Young Drivers of Canada instructor
"If you can parallel park that, you can parallel park anything!"
3) Which would you prefer: a dozen roses or a box of chocolate?ALWAYS roses...preferably orange ones.
4) What's the most unusual thing you carry in your bag or purse?
In celebration of Chinese New Year, a little boy I know gave me a lucky red envelope. I keep it tucked away in my wallet.
5) MySpace or Facebook?
6) Ultimate Travel Destination:
For a weekend: Ottawa. Far off destination: Greece.
7) What do you do when no one's watching?
That all depends on WHO I'm with...and that's all I'm saying!
8) Favourite television show (either currently on the air or off):
I loved Street Legal. I am currently in withdrawals over 24. And of course, The Hour.
9) Vancouver Island or Prince Edward Island?
10) At the movies: butter or butter topping?
The real deal...butter. Layered so it is dispersed throughout the bag.
11) Can you change a tire?
YES! And the oil, air filter, and if need be, also the serpentine belt! I also pump my own gas and put air in the tires. This is what happens when parents raise their daughters to be capable and self-reliant.
12) What's your favourite thing to do on a rainy day?
Sleep or read.
13) Phone, text, or email?
Without a doubt, email. No one ever answers the telephone anymore thanks to answer machines. Texting just takes too damn long.
14) Poutine: gift from the gods or what the hell were they thinking?
I like french fries and cheese, but not together. I'm not a big fan of gravy. For me, it's a little of both.
15) Favourite season:
Autumn. I live in the country where the fall colours are simply stunning.
16) Favourite cartoon character:
Charlie Brown.
17) Truth or dare?
18) Have you ever sent yourself flowers?
No. Who does that?
19) Ginger or Maryann?
Neither. Refer back to my answer for question 11.
20) Can you roll your tongue?