Make Your Own Success!

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"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

My daily thoughts and meditation, that I always perform in the morning, and before I go to sleep go something like this:

"Today is a very big day in my life. Today is the day I finally make it.

I'm going to make it. It is decided.

I've prepared.

I've visualized the success and I am creating my success.

Years of experience and preparation have come to this.

Today is my day. Today is the greatest day of my life and tomorrow will be even better. And, the day after that, will be even better still.

It will continue like this until the end of my life.

........... I make this dedication to my family and myself everyday."

Doesn't your family and don't you deserve the same dedication from you?

I always write down my top 10 goals in my note book.

Consistently, everyday my #2 goal is, "I am worth $10.5 million US dollars on Dec. 1, 2015"

With a goal like that at #2, you might wonder, "What could be #1?"

My #1 goal is, "I am a kind and generous and patient father and husband today and every day."

There's many things that are important and many types of success.

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Visualize your success and write down your goals.

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