Vacation for our Parents

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My parent's wedding anniversary is coming this March. Me and my sisters, the 4 of us, are planning to give a special gift to our parents. Since the four of us all have stable jobs, we decided to give our parents a vacation tour, and let them travel in Turkey. I'm really sure they would be surprised, because it's out of the country, a place where they have never been, even me and my sister have not been in Turkey.

We searched the net and its a nice place to spend a vacation in. We even found a site that have a holiday accommodation. We already book the two of them in a Lycia villa rentals. I'm sure they are gonna be thrilled when they begin to see those lovely landscape and beaches. My parents really love going to the beach swimming in its turquoise waters. We may be shelling out bucks from our pockets but the joy on our parents face when they will get the news is worth every money me and my sister would spend.
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