Maple Leafs Jersey for sale!

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New!! Bidding is done!
The jersey earned $635.00

George posted this plea on twitter today Get this complicated jersey out of my life & help raise dough for the Stephen Lewis Foundation (@stephenlewisfdn) #leafs

Why is he posting that tweet? To remind Canada that he has a Strombo Leafs jersey with the autographs of the Battle of the Blades stars, plus his own, for sale on eBay with proceeds going to The Stephen Lewis Foundation A Dare to Remember fundraising campaign.

How did George earn a Maple Leafs jersey?
Only on a dare!
You may want to view episode 28 to see The die hard Habs fan wear the blue and white Maple Leafs jersey while figure skating with Kurt Browning.

At the time of this post the bidding was at $280
Bidding closes December 18th at 11AM EST!

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