Special Tapings for TIFF -- It's On!!!!

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If you're on Twitter and follow any of the Canadian Gossip or Entertainment Television sites - you'll know that the hype is on for TIFF - The Toronto International Film Festival, which kicks off September 10th and runs through September 19th.

From the sublime to the banal, celebrity sightings are becoming commonplace around Toronto... from Yorkville and beyond.

I consume a lot of the entertainment info babble but it's getting a bit extreme. For example? Not one hour ago - one of the Jonas Brothers was spotted getting coffee at Starbucks.
I don't really care - but armed with that nugget of info, I can get my coffee elsewhere and establish a comfortable, Jonas free perimeter. Thank YOU Entertainment Tonight Canada!

That aside -- there is another place that is guaranteed Jonas Free -- and that's the CBC studio where The Hour will be pretaping interviews starting September 10th.

As guests and times are confirmed, they will be added onto the show's website. Keep in mind that with the hectic pace and constant changes, guests and times may change... so be prepared to roll with the punches and be flexible.

So... if you want to see some pretapes check The Hour's website periodically to see who's been added to the lineup of celebs sitting in the Red Chair! Peter Sarsgaard and Paul Haggis tapings are open as I post this info...

Happy TIFFing kids!

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