Our Hits and Misses of 2008

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Mich's Hit of 2008:
Tiger Talk with trainer David Salmoni

Mich's Miss of 2008:
Julie Couillard

Steph's hit of 2008:
"The King of Shock Rock" Alice Cooper

Steph's Miss of 2008:
"The Most Hated Man in the NHL" Sean Avery

Barbara's Hit of 2008
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Barbara's miss of 2008
Bill Maher

Tracy's Hit of 2008
Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus

Tracy's Miss of 2008
Endearing or Beyond Bizzare... there's no accounting for taste!

Jenuine's Hit of 2008
Farley Mowat

Jenuine's Miss of 2008

Declan Hill

Mich's Wishlist for 2009:
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty
Dr. Charles McVety (particularly if the abortion debate is reopened)
22 Minutes cast member Mark Critch

Steph's Wishlist for 2009:
Canadian film director Norman Jewison
The Ace of Cakes Duff Goldman
The NHL's first black player Willie O'Ree

Barbara's wishlist 2009:
Dave Broadfoot who is an
honorary sergeant major of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Brendan Fraser

Tracy's Wishlist for 2009:
CNN's Anderson Cooper
John (don't call me JD) Roberts
Stephen Harper (wearing the platform shoes offered up in Harper Bait in '08)

Jenuine's Wishlist for 2009:
I'm with Tracy
- Stephen Harper
George Millar of The Irish Rovers
Celine Dion (Just to see what George would do with her)
Justin Trudeau

Perhaps you had your own hits and misses for 2008?

Who's on YOUR Wishlist for 2009?

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