Our favourite clips...Dee Snider

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As someone who loves music, one of my favourite clips had to be an interview with a musician. Had the recent Bryan Adams interview gone better (you may recall BA did not represent himself particularly well), I would have made this post about him.

In preparation for my final 'favourite clip', I reviewed the many musical artists who have appeared on The Hour. During my search someone reminded me of my youth. With the exception of the Ontario Stroumpoulopouli, very few people reading this know the REAL Steph A. While I may appear to look like a quiet librarian to some, it is a facade. In all reality, I am a rocker chick in disguise. I know...you're shocked!

I am sure we all remember that moment in our youth when we stop listening to our parents' music and develop a taste all our own...often to the complete horror of those who gave us life. Besides Mr. Adams, I was (and continue to be) a huge fan of Twisted Sister.

If you have not checked out A Twisted Christmas you ARE missing out...a very different spin on some holiday classics indeed.

To most, Twisted Sister will never be considered among the greatest of rock/metal bands. However, the contribution of lead singer Dee Snider to the censorship counter-movement of the mid '80s is an indelible part of music history.

Last season Snider dropped by The Hour. His interview can be watched here and you may also wish to check out his "Best Story Ever".

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